Embedding API

Neptune lang can be embedded in any rust application. The complete API can be browsed through docs.rs. Some key terms that must known are

Embedder Functions

Embedder Functions aka Efuncs are functions that are created by the embedder. The EFunc can push or pop values from the stack using the EFuncContext that is passed to it. EFuncs may be synchronous or asynchronous.

The ToNeptuneValue trait indicates a type that can be converted to a Neptune value. The trait is implemented for i32, String and other common data types.

It can be implemented for any type

struct Point {
     x: i32,
     y: i32

 impl ToNeptuneValue for Point {
     fn to_neptune_value(self, cx: &mut EFuncContext) {
         cx.object();    // push an empty object to the stack
         cx.int(self.x); // push self.x to the stack
         cx.set_object_property("x").unwrap(); // pop self.x and set it as property x
         self.y.to_neptune_value(cx); // an alternate way to push to the stack

EFuncs must return Result where both variants satisfy the ToNeptuneValue trait. The Err variant can be returned to throw an exception.

Methods of EFuncContext like as_int return Err(EFuncError) on error. To return NeptuneError (the Error class of Neptune) or EFuncError we can use the EFuncErrorOr enum.

use neptune_lang::*;
let n = VM::new(NoopModuleLoader);
n.create_efunc("inverse", |cx /*: &mut EFuncContext*/ | -> Result<f64,EFuncErrorOr<NeptuneError>> {
    // pop an int from the stack
    let i = cx.as_int()?;
    if i == 0 {
        // It would be better to create our own Error type and implement ToNeptuneValue for it.
        Err(EFuncErrorOr::Other(NeptuneError("Cannot divide by zero".into())))
            Ok(1.0 / (i as f64))

EFuncs can be called using the ecall function in the vm module.

const {ecall} = import('vm')
ecall(@inverse,0.5)  //2.0

Asynchronous efuncs return a Future<Result<T1,T2>>.

vm.create_efunc_async("sleep", |cx| {
    let time = cx.as_int();
    async move {
        sleep(Duration::from_millis(time? as u64)).await;
        Result::<(), EFuncError>::Ok(())


Resources are opaque handles to rust values. They can be freed from neptune using the close() method. They can be created and used only from efuncs. The Resource wrapper struct can be used to return resources

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use neptune_lang::*;

     |cx| -> Result<Resource<File>, EFuncErrorOr<NeptuneError>> {
             EFuncErrorOr::Other(NeptuneError("Error opening file".into())),
     |cx| -> Result<String, EFuncErrorOr<NeptuneError>> {
         let mut contents = String::new();
             .read_to_string(&mut contents)
                 "Error reading file".into(),